Monday, November 04, 2013

New Books & Films received in October 2013

Here's a sampling of some of the new books and films that
have arrived at Hunter Library in October 2013.

Compiled and introduced by Richard L. Allington,
Essential readings on struggling learners
Newark, DE: International Reading Association, c2010
WCU CMC Pro LB1050.5 .E85 2010

Special editor: Sheldon Danziger, Russell Sage Foundation,
The effects of the Great Recession
Los Angeles: SAGE, [2013]
WCU New Books H1 .A5 v.650

Keith Cunningham,
American Indians' kitchen-table stories: contemporary
conversations with Cherokee, Sioux, Hopi, Osage,
Navajo, Zuni, and members of other nations
Little Rock: August House Publishers, 1992
WCU New Books E78.S7 C84 1992

John M, Henshaw
A tour of the senses: how your brain interprets the world
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012

Gin Blossoms (Musical group);
New miserable experience [sound recording]
Hollywood, CA.; A & M Records, p1992
WCU Audio CD P GinB 001

The fugitive (Motion picture: 1993)
Warner Bros. Pictures presents a Keith Barish/Arnold
Kopelson production; an Andrew Davis film
Burbank, CA.: Warner Bros. Entertainment:
Distributed by Warner Home Video, [2009]
WCU Video PVH.F8461