Friday, May 18, 2007

New Database: Westlaw Campus Research

Hunter Library is pleased announce a new database subscription. Westlaw Campus Research provides access to an enormous array of legal, news, and business information.

Law content includes the United States Code Annotated (USCA), all federal and state law cases (Courts of Appeals and higher), statutes and regulations for all 50 states, the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), and the Federal Register. In addition, there are high-quality analytical sources such as American Jurisprudence 2nd (Am Jur 2d), the American Law Reports (ALR), and over 700 law reviews and journals.

News formats consist of newspapers, magazines, newswire reports, transcripts of TV and radio programs, and international sources, including an extensive collection of foreign language publications.

Hoover’s Company Records, SEC reports, and trade journals for almost every imaginable industry comprise the business package.

All this is available through a sophisticated but easy-to-use interface. Two things to be aware of: 1) users must approve the license agreement every time they log in and 2) pop-up blockers should be disabled. As always, anyone with questions or problems is welcome to ask for help from the Reference Desk.