Here's a sampling of some of the new books and films that have arrived at Hunter Library in May 2015.
Please browse the full list.
Evolution of a criminal
a film by Darius Clark Monroe;
executive producer, Spike Lee; produced by Jen Gatien
New York: Deerjen, 2014
WCU VIDEO DVD HV6080.E87 2014
Brian Edmiston,
Transforming teaching and learning with active
and dramatic approaches:
engaging students across the curriculum
New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014
WCU CMC PRO LB1027.23 .E34 2014
Rachel P. Winograd,
Binge drinking and alcohol misuse among college
students and young adults
Toronto, Ontario: Hogrefe Publishing, 2015
WCU General HV5135 .W57 2015
Katherine Krieg,
Vero Beach, FL.: Rourke Educational Media, 2015
W. Timothy Coombs,
The idea-driven organization: unlocking
the power in bottom-up ideas
San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. 2014
WCU General HF5549.5.S8 R627 2014