Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Award-Winning Writer to Speak on Role of Libraries

Scott Huler will give two talks in Jackson County on Friday, April 13, in conjunction with National Library Week, April 8-14, 2012. His visit will be sponsored by the WCU Visiting Scholars Program, City Lights Bookstore in Sylva, Friends of Jackson County Public Library, and Hunter Library.

Huler will discuss the importance of research and libraries at 10:30 a.m. in the theater of A.K.Hinds University Center. At 7:00 p.m. he will give a talk in the community room of the Jackson County Public Library in Sylva. The Friends of the Jackson County Public Library will host a punch and cookies reception following the presentation, and Huler will be available to sign his books.

The 2011 Piedmont Laureate, Huler writes for newspapers, magazines, and radio programs. He is the author of six books, including On the Grid, No Man's Land, Defining the Wind, On Being Brown, A Little Bit Sideways, and From Worst to First. A native of Cleveland, Ohio, he has lived all over the United States and in England. His work has appeared in such newspapers as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and The Los Angeles Times. He has been heard on "All Things Considered" and "Day to Day" on National Public Radio and on "Marketplace" and "Splendid Table" on American Public Media.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

New Books, CDs & DVDs for February 2012

New Books, CDs & DVDs for February 2012

Here's a sampling of some of the new books and films
that have arrived at Hunter Library in February 2012.
Please browse the full list.

Scott Huler,
Defining the wind: the Beaufort scale, and how a
nineteenth-century admiral turned science into poetry
New York: Crown Publishers, c2004
WCU Leisure read QC933 .H85 2004

Richard M Restak,
Think smart: a neuroscientist's prescription for
improving your brain's performance
New York: Riverhead Books, 2009
WCU New Books QP398 .R47 2009

Christopher McGowan,
Dinosaur discovery: everything you need to be a paleontologist
New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, c2011
WCU CMC CHILDREN'S QE714.5.M366 2011

Richard Wagner, 1813-1883 [sound recording]
Marches & overtures. Orchestra music. Selections
Hong Kong: Naxos, 20011
WCU Audio CD C WagR 015

Evoking sound: body mapping principles and basic conducting technique [videorecording]
GIA Publications, Inc. presents; James Jordan, Heather Buchanan
Chicago, IL: GIA Publications, c2004
WCU Video DVD MT.E965

Elephant man (Motion picture)
Paramount Pictures presents a Brooksfilms production;
produced by Jonathan Sanger; directed by David Lynch
Hollywood, CA: Paramount Pictures, c2001
WCU Video DVD PVH.E441